Our Services

  • Our fully modern equipped veterinary hospital
  • Health check, Vaccinations, desexing, microchipping and diet advice
  • Large scope of veterinary medicine and surgical experience.
  • Segregated cat and dog wards and consult rooms to make it a relaxing experience for all, especially our feline friends
  • Diagnostic services with in-house lab including pathology, digital radiology and ultrasonography
  • Sophisticated anaesthesia monitoring with individually tailored anaesthetic regimes to cater for routine to higher risk patients (young animals, seniors, heart patients, pregnancies)
  • Dentistry (ultrasonic teeth scaling and preventative dental care) – we offer subsidised dental packages to encourage dental health
  • Behaviour consults (an in depth counselling service) Preventative health programs: Curtin Veterinary Clinic Seniors club and Slimmer’s club
  • Complimentary nail trimming & anal gland expressions if part of a consultation
  • Specialty diets and foods – free nutritional advice
  • Pet supplies including worming, flea products and pet accessories – professional advice to ensure your pet gets the best products at a reasonable price
  • Discounted rates for registered breeders for litter vaccinations and microchipping
Curtin Veterinary Clinic - your pet's personal vet

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